Monday, October 1, 2018

My Kid Speaks Better English Thanks To Flipside Education

In Singapore, English is an important language to learn. Since we have many different cultures and expatriates from many different countries, English plays a vital role in being able to interact with all people in Singapore on a daily basis.

Since I come from a Chinese family, we generally speak Mandarin at home and with relatives here in Singapore. Because of this, my children are more accustomed to speaking in Mandarin than in English.

While I wouldn’t mind them speaking in Mandarin at home, it’s still an advantage for them to be fluent in English as they get older. It’s also an advantage for them to know a lot of languages if they want to build a business in the future.

Of my two sons, I really give focus on my eldest son since he’s entering secondary 2 already \ and has shown little interest in learning English. Most of his friends in school are of Chinese origin (since most of them are his cousins) and he has always argued with me about learning another language.

Of course, I don’t want to pressure him into learning a new language just because I want him to. I want him to learn it because he is interested in learning it. If he’s interested in it, he’ll be able to learn faster and better than if force it on him.

So for him to grow his own interest in learning English, I decided to enrol him into an English tutor in Singapore. But I couldn’t just put him through any tuition centre -- I had to make sure it was one that provided a good environment for him to learn.

I searched online for a good tuition centre in Singapore, especially one that has a good English tuition for secondary students. And that’s when I found Flipside Education hub.

One thing that got me interested in Flipside Education Hub is their “flipped classroom” pedagogy where the learning approach is student-centric instead of instructor-centric. This means students are given the freedom to choose what they want to learn.

I was really interested in putting my son through their unusual approach to learning, but I wasn’t sure if it will be effective in getting him interested in learning the language or not. Luckily, they offer a free trial for new students and I was able to avail it for my son.

During the trial period, I was a little worried for my son since he really showed no interest in the subject or even attending the tutoring class. But I was able to convince him that it would be fun and he will enjoy.

After a few days of attending Flipside, he was even more excited to go to his English tuition class than school! He has also shown interest in learning English on his own and started reading more at home. He says he made friends with his 4 classmates and they are having a friendly competition in their class activities.

After his trial period, I immediately enrolled him for the full course. Now, his English has improved greatly. And his cousins have also enrolled in Flipside for other classes. I love seeing him enjoy learning and I thank Flipside for his growing interest in academics. If you’re looking for an English class in Singapore for your children, I recommend taking them to Flipside Education Hub.

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