Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Benefits Of Exposing Your Child To International Schools

For expat parents and guardians in Singapore, one huge concern is choosing which school to enroll their kids in. They can choose to enroll their kids in public schools or they can also go to international schools. There are several international schools in Singapore, and this only reflects the fact there are also a significant number of expats in the country. Finding the best international school in Singapore can hence be a challenge for parents. However, if it’s about your child’s education, you might as well take time in deciding which educational institution to trust. After all, it’s the best gift you can give your young ones. On this post, we’ll talk about the benefits of exposing your child in an international school in Singapore.  Read on so you can decide better whether to give an international school a go or a no.
Low student teacher ratio. International schools usually boast a low student-teacher ratio. This means that every student is given the attention they need. In Singapore public schools, it’s common for a teacher to have around 30 students. That number goes down to 10 to around 20 in an international schools. Children no longer have to keep up with the learning pace of several other students. They can be given one-to-one attention when necessary. Not only that, curriculum is usually also widely recognized; you can keep peace of mind knowing that your child has an access to quality education that is at par with the world’s top educational institutions.
Cultural diversity. International schools in Singapore accept enrollees from across the globe. Chances are your child will experience meeting people at their age with various cultural backgrounds. This is a great training ground for kids to increase awareness about and learn to deal with diversity. Kids earn the wonderful opportunity of interacting with other students in an international scale. They are trained to become more open-minded. Also, an international school makes a good choice If you are planning to enroll your kids overseas in the future.  There are international schools that specialize on a specific curriculum. You might want to look out for this schools if you are looking to move to a particular country soon. For example, if you have plans of migrating to Europe, then it might be worth it to check out European international schools. This will also lessen difficulties for your kids as they adjust to another learning environment.
Close-knit community.  With a low student body population, students are able to connect better with other students. The virtue of camaraderie between students is fostered. Also, learning is not always confined in classrooms. Students are trained to become comfortable with a social setting. They don't just sharpen their academic skills with the carefully designed academic programs, they are also able to exercise practical skills. Students are taught outside of the classroom, say during outdoor activities such as camping.

The Singapore government values education and understands it is important for parents too. Hence, parents are free to choose between public schools and international schools. An international school may be more costly than a public school, but for several good reasons. Good reasons you and the kids will appreciate for sure. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

5 Tips for Continuing Your Children's Learning This Summer at Home

Most children are already looking forward to summer vacation because, as the word ‘vacation’ implies, it’s the time of the year where they get to play and have fun. When there’s school, learning certainly is their top priority, however it doesn’t have to change drastically just because summer’s on its way. In fact, the key to continuous learning—irregardless of the season—is developing the perception of ‘fun’ through reading and writing programs. Once they perceive learning as a fun activity, they’ll never settle for anything else. Here, you’ll find the best tips to ensure your children’s learning never stops even though it’s summer:
1.       Be a role model.
Your children look up to you even if they don’t tell you this is the case. If you want them to nurture reading and writing for instance, show your interest in a similar program as well. It’s important to be observant of your own actions and to express your affinity with learning whilst at home. After all, it’s you who leads the way whilst they follow.
2.       Invest in quality education—both fun and interactive.
Right now, we’re focusing on home-based learning which gives you better opportunity to bond with your children as well as guide them throughout the whole learning process. Let’s say, reading and writing are your main priorities for the children.
Wouldn’t scrabble be an ideal board game? It’s fun because the game allows your children’s creativity to shine, whereas having yourself or other children to play makes it interactive. What’s more, it presents quality education as it has high potential to enhance your children’s spelling and vocabulary. These two are both crucial for your children’s ability to read and write.
3.       Compliment your children’s achievements.
No matter how big or small their efforts were, your children deserve to be recognised for it. See the good in what they’ve done and mention the areas where they can improve or—if your children are feeling down at the moment—give them your positive feedback right away. The act of giving positive feedback or reinforcements will work wonders. These things can:
        Encourage your children to try again and never give up.
        Help them carry on even if the program for kids have become more challenging.
        Decrease their physical and mental stress—these will depend on the type of activity.
        Boost their emotional health.
        Increase their self-esteem.

4.       Be present whilst they’re learning.
The children have yet to be completely aware of the difference between right and wrong. However, you can start developing their awareness and bringing these things to their consciousness. Call their attention in case they do or mention something incorrectly, and immediately help them understand the correct one. Being physically present whilst they read and write can foster a strong bond between you two and create a great learning experience.
5.       Support your children’s reading interests.
Inspire your child to grab a book and read. It can literally be about anything under the sun. If your children is interested in music, acquire books that discuss music genres, famous artists, or even a specific instrument they find amusing. If your children is into sports, acquire the latest magazines or published books about the sport they’re inquisitive about. Doing this might even inspire them to do gain a hands-on experience with music or sports.

It’s important to spend time with them whilst they’re still young. Because by the time they grow older, they’ll want to spend more time with their friends and make plans of their own. What better way to spend time with than by learning together? That’s right, you’ll also learn things from them as they do so with you. Plan your children’s summer learning adventure now!

5 Ways to Prepare Your Children for International Preschool Days

The transition between summer vacation and the beginning of a new school year is difficult for most children. Some may hesitate to attend the first day of school, some may find it hard to wake up early, and others may come to school a little unprepared. Before international preschools in Singapore start classes, here are five ways to prep your children and get right on track:
1.       In the last few weeks of summer vacation, adjust your children’s body clock a little at a time.
Your preschoolers need lots of naps in the afternoon and deep slumbers at night. If they used to sleep at nine in the evening or later than usual, it’s time to adjust their body clock and make sure they’re in bed by half past seven or exactly eight in the evening. To adjust their body clock, this has to be repeated on a daily basis until it becomes a normal routine. They’ll certainly need lots of energy in the international kindergarten they’re attending to in Singapore.
2.       Study the curriculum and do what you think is necessary to prepare your children.
For instance, the curriculum involves Mathematics. There are toys that have numerical numbers written on them, and they’d give utterance to the numbers when pressed. If the children pressed “1”, the toy would verbally say “one”. Other than this, you could opt for charts. They’re more practical and you don’t have to buy batteries in the future. All you need to do is point the numbers and say the correct pronunciation of each. However, your children may seek more than a verbal approach. Try using puppets, costumes, or whatever works to get your children’s attention.
3.       Actively encourage your children of attending school.
You can’t take no for an answer! Boost your children’s confidence and support them in every way possible. If they felt positive emotions and gave positive assumptions about school, back it up immediately. Tell them the truths and make it sound as vigorous as possible—they’re children after all. On the other end, empathise with them and help them think positively about school in the case of hesitation or doubt. Tell them how every child goes through the same thing although, in the end, they gain fun experiences in international preschools in Singapore.
4.       Tell your children about making new friends.
Apart from having siblings or cousins to play with, your children will start making new friends. Allow your children to anticipate and look forward to the first day of preschool. Make this a gradual process—just the right amount of anticipation and excitement.
5.       Give your children an assurance you’ll be there.
If your children’s experiencing difficulty adjusting or keeping up with the class activities, help them overcome and improve on these situations. Physically and mentally be there for your children and see the wonders of your hard work. Even when school hasn’t started yet, be there in times of their excitement and doubt.

Every parent is responsible for the upbringing of their children, what if they’re about to start schooling? Just follow these five tips weeks before school starts. They’ll certainly be a big help. Let us know how it goes!